Markgrafen Areal Schwabach
Markgrafen-Postareal Schwabach
As a hinge between the old town and the city park, the old cemetery and the railroad station, the Markgrafen-Areal is a quarter with a clearly recognizable identity, high spatial and design quality, exciting spatial alignments, differentiated outdoor spaces and specific places and neighbourhoods. The concept sees itself as a further development of the city, in which the existing potential is used in an integrative way and the history and complexity of the location is taken up:
The reactivated Luipoldplatz will be given an inviting and high-quality representative entrance as a district and address formation: a new striking landmark will be created in place of the demolished “Post-Schlösschen”: The new Margrave Tower with restaurants, offices/practices and apartments takes up the former historical situation and the typical design language of the large hipped roofs and, with the arched arcades opposite the administration building, forms an inviting gesture to the area and the hall as well as a gateway to the city. The new, diverse identity of Sablaiserplatz and Luipold-Platz with the Sparkasse, St. Sebald, the new Margrave Tower and the converted post office building is redefined in terms of urban space by a sports and leisure shelf that leaves the existing TG untouched and does not exclude future developments.
- Location: Schwabach
- Competition: 03 – 07/2024 (Recognition)
- Gross Floor Space: approx. 20.820 m2
- Client: City of Schwabach
- ARGE dreisterneplus Reichwald Schultz & Partner
- Projectteam dreisterneplus: Florian Hartmann, Andreas Müsseler, Oliver Noak, Lisa Yamaguchi
- Projectteam Reichwald Schultz & Partner PartGmbH: Catharina Förster, Philip Reichwald, Carsten Schultz