Track Ladder Neuaubing


(Gleisharfe Neuaubing)

The project is integrated like a woven fabric in the clearing of the former railway sidings on Munich’s periphery. Like strips of fabric or thick threads, the buildings interlace the area and join up across the gaps between the buildings to form a textile pattern of flowing constructions. These structures enclose lens-shaped courtyards that give each building its own identity and particular location, and make it possible to feel the seclusion of the construction site and the contemplative peace of the industrial wasteland as a common basic theme.

  • Location: Munich-Neuaubing
  • Competition: 2012 (1rst Prize)
  • Client: Aurelis
  • Project team – current: Florian Hartmann, Andreas Müsseler, Oliver Noak, with Marcel Meili, Markus Peter, Johanna Irmisch
Black Plan
Design Idea
Impression on the spot
Model Photo
Spatial sketch of the central square space
Model Photo
Planning perimeter track harp
Site Plan
Cross Section B-B
Longitudinal section A-A