

Conversion of the former Diamalt premises – Munich Allach

The Diamalt premises, described in the current land-use plan no. 1904 as an industrial zone with special areas, present themselves today as an island-like piece of wasteland in the existing urban fabric of Allach. The urban-planning study searches for ways of integrating the various factors of influence and usages on the area and add a differently developed city block.

There are today still a few monuments left that remind one of the history of the area as a production site for baking agents and the well-known malt lozenges. The boiler house, situated centrally on the premises, represents with its 60-meter-high chimney a characteristic element of the silhouette of Allach. Other monuments on the premises are the generator building as well as the soup-seasoning factory, which marks the southern edge of the area.

  • Location: Munich Allach
  • Urban Development feasibility study 2013
  • Customer: ISARIA Wohnbau AG, Munich
  • Project Team: Florian Hartmann, Andreas Müsseler, Oliver Noak with Marcel Meili, Markus Peter, Markus Reher, Yirong Du