Former Bavarian Barracks
Apart from a moderate height development, surrounding buildings offer little in the way of binding rules, so our aim on the site of the former Bavarian Barracks in North Munich was to develop structures out of themselves that would enable an autonomous and high-quality neighbourhood development. The design defines a uniform, original character across the whole area and follows two important principles. On the one hand, the existing orthogonal order complete with the trees already there, and on the other hand, the interweaving and interconnection of the open spaces across all buildings and building sites.
- Location: Munich
- Competition: 2013/2014 (Phases 1 and 2)
- Awarded by:Bavarian State Capital Munich
- Project Team : Florian Hartmann, Andreas Müsseler, Oliver Noak, Lisa Yamaguchi with Marcel Meili, Markus Peter, Johanna Irmisch, Markus Reher